A Venture of Faith
Learn more about the history of the Calvary Chapel movementhttps://youtu.be/lmVcqgfXIsI(watch the 2-hour “A Venture of Faith” documentary)
Learn more about the history of the Calvary Chapel movementhttps://youtu.be/lmVcqgfXIsI(watch the 2-hour “A Venture of Faith” documentary)
Ephesians 6:10-18: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. […]
Police in Alberta, Canada arrested Pastor Tim Stephens on Monday for holding outdoor worship services that violated provincial coronavirus restrictions. Fairview Baptist Church moved to outdoor services after Alberta Health Services closed their building earlier this month. The restrictions used to arrest pastors didn’t stop Alberta’s head of government, Jason Kenney, from holding a dinner this month that didn’t comply with health orders. Matthew 23:27 […]
Nevada pays $175,000 in church’s legal fees over COVID Tyranny The state of Nevada agreed to pay $175,000 in legal fees to Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley yesterday. The church has been fighting Nevada’s coronavirus restrictions on worship services since last year. OFFICIAL: “The Office of the Attorney General requests the Board of Examiners to approve a settlement agreement between Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley and the […]
https://churchandfamilylife.com/podcasts/222159 Dear Christian, The news has been pretty disturbing over the past year so. How should parents talk about the news to their children? How can parents make the most of what’s happening in the world to prepare them for living in the world. Check out this podcast for help. https://churchandfamilylife.com/podcasts/222159