Commitment to Christ
Contemporary church growth philosophers tell me in magazines, articles, and mailers that we must encourage churchgoers to have short-term commitments yet bribe them with long-term benefits. But what if long-term benefits are actually reserved only for those with long-term commitments?
You see if Jesus is valuable to you and He has your trust, then you’ll completely trust Him no matter what happens. His unconditional love for you is what carries you through trials and gives you joy. You see, a real relationship with God is a long-term commitment. It’s about knowing God and then making Him known to the people around us who need Him too.
I pray that the lukewarm church awakens from her slumber and reaches the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ for He is our treasure! In the words of C.T. Studd “Only one life, twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”