February 27, 2022


My biological grandmother probably had people say she was going to ruin her life, including friends and family. She could have easily not told a soul and gone and gotten an abortion. But in the end, she didn’t care about all of that and decided to choose the path of giving up my Dad for adoption. She may have accidentally gotten pregnant, but my Dad […]

February 26, 2022

Why does God allow suffering?

“In dealing with the problem of evil in the world, we run into many problems like this one. Could God have prevented the Holocaust? Yes, He could have. He could also have prevented Stalin’s massacres in the U.S.S.R., the Spanish Inquisition’s torture, and Nero’s reign of terror. In each case, God allowed evil men to exercise a certain amount of power for a short period […]

February 14, 2022

Parents We Are An Example

Dear Christian, The example we set for our children is of the utmost importance, so we should be modeling purity. Like Paul, we should be able to say to our kids and friends “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). If Jesus is our Lord then we will follow him, listen to Him, and be obedient to Him. Paul […]

January 25, 2022

Straightening Out Our Priorities

Good word today from Dr. David Jeremiah on today’s CSN Radio Broadcast called Straightening Out Our Priorities (Pt. 1). He stated that his 4 priorities in life are: Person – called to have fellowship with God Partner – called to have be a loving husband Parent – called to be present in raising children Pastor – called to minister to the local church In a […]

January 5, 2022


Patience is the ancient Greek word hupomone. This word does not describe a passive waiting but an active endurance. It isn’t so much the quality that helps you sit quietly in the doctor’s waiting room, as it is the quality that helps you finish a marathon. James 1:3 “knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”

December 31, 2021

The Alpha and The Omega

In Revelation 21:5-7, the apostle John records the victorious words of the One seated on the heavenly throne, who declares that He is “the Alpha and the Omega.” These verses also contain an open invitation for all who are thirsty: come and receive from the spring of living water an eternal inheritance to be a child of God. I pray you have received this gift […]

December 30, 2021

Plan to read the Bible

Dear Christian, The call from both the scriptures and the lives of the faithful is to be people of the Book — to know it and correctly interpret it. If you’re not presently engaged in systematic study, why not aim to? At the very least, read the Scriptures through this year, and put your life in the way of true success. Plan to read the […]