A long post but great story and worth the read! THE RICH FAMILY IN CHURCH By Eddie Ogan I’ll never forget Easter 1946. I was 14, my little sister Ocy was 12,and my older sister Darlene 16. We lived at home with our mother, and the four of us knew what it was to do without many things. My dad had died five years before, […]
A few things that I continue to learn as a pastor:1- The way up is down, as humility wins every time.2- Doing less is doing more, like book of Acts simplicity.3- Being faithful is success, please God not mankind.4- The way forward is a closer relationship with Jesus.5- Comparison is always a thief of joy and contentment.6- Be humble, teachable, usable, and fruitful for God.7- […]
By Adam Holz – April 8, 2022 I grew up with Disney. You probably did too. My Disney memories are idiosyncratic: I remember seeing the original Pete’s Dragon and The Cat From Outer Space in the ‘70s. Then there was that Sunday night staple in an era when we only had three network channels, plus PBS (oh, the horror!): The Wonderful World of Disney. How […]
I affirm that the Bible alone, and in its entirety, is the infallible written Word of God in the original text and is, therefore, inerrant in all that it affirms or denies on whatever topic it addresses. Do you believe this? #TheHolyBible #GodsWord https://defendinginerrancy.com/ What’s Inspiration, Infallibility, and Inerrancy!? And Why Should I Care? It’s been said that a table must have at least three […]
“What has become clear to me over the years, as I have witnessed the transformation of our society into one based upon victims rather than heroes, is that there is a more positive message to be gained from adversity: success (as well as failure) is the result of one’s own talents, morals, decisions, and actions. Accepting personal responsibility for victory as well as for defeat […]
Gender matters to God, and He also created marriage… Jesus said, “Haven’t you read . . . that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God […]
Contemporary church growth philosophers tell me in magazines, articles, and mailers that we must encourage churchgoers to have short-term commitments yet bribe them with long-term benefits. But what if long-term benefits are actually reserved only for those with long-term commitments? You see if Jesus is valuable to you and He has your trust, then you’ll completely trust Him no matter what happens. His unconditional love […]