Dear Christians, we must grasp the fact that our government cannot save us! Only God can. We never read in the New Testament of Jesus or any of the apostles expending any time or energy schooling believers on how to reform the pagan world of its idolatrous, immoral, and corrupt practices via the government. The apostles never called for believers to demonstrate civil disobedience to […]
In 2022, it seems that America is exhausted, frustrated, and burned out. What I hear people say is that they are longing for a reset, a reversion to norms, a way to find peace in this broken world. I believe we need to return to God and establish real, deep friendships we can trust and be honest with. Are you experiencing church as God intended? […]
Dear Christian,As you know, since the Supreme Court leak of a decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade there has been a divide over this nationwide. What you may not know is that there has been violent attacks by pro-abortion terrorists on pro-lifers. The Family Research Council has documented dozens of violent attacks on churches and pro-life groups. As of 6/22/2022, the report noted 15 […]
Diary of an Unborn Child… OCTOBER 5: Today my life began. My parents do not know it yet, but it is I already. And I am to be a girl. I shall have blond hair and blue eyes. Just about everything is settled though, even the fact that I shall love flowers. OCTOBER 19: Some say that I am not a real person yet, that […]
It’s humble month for God-fearing Christians around the world… God has promised to give grace to the humble, while He opposes the proud (Proverbs 3:34; 1 Peter 5:5). Therefore, we must confess and put away pride. If we exalt ourselves, we place ourselves in opposition to God who will, in His grace and for our own good, humble us. But if we humble ourselves, God […]
LOVER OR PROSTITUTE?The Question that Changed My Life by David Ryser. A number of years ago, I had the privilege of teaching at a school of ministry. My students were hungry for God, and I was constantly searching for ways to challenge them to fall more in love with Jesus and to become voices for revival in the Church. I came across a quote attributed […]
You’ve heard of the draft opinion in the news, but we encourage you to read it for yourself. The first 14 pages are kind of a summary of the whole document… . Pray with me: That more babies will get a chance to be BORN. That more people will repent and become BORN AGAIN. ? ?