May 14, 2023

Updated Prayer Request

From Anna Molter: This is my post to break my silence. My husband has made several posts that you may have seen. I need to make my own as part of my own closure. For some time now I have been very vocal about my support and encouragement of foster care and adoption. I still believe it is a beautiful and tangible expression of the […]

May 11, 2023

Prayer Request

From Pastor Tim Molter: This has been a crazy season for us but through the brokenness our family has experienced we have turned our heart and mind to God for help. We became aware of abuse happening to one of our children from a foster child and have been working with the social workers and law enforcement. Our children are now safe from further trauma, […]

February 16, 2023

Pray for Pastors

I’ve been debating this post for quite a while but after 20 years in church ministry and 10 years as a Senior Pastor and church planter I’m hoping this can help others understand pastors a bit more. This month I have seen two pastor friends leave the ministry mostly due to burn out and lack of accountability. I think showing appreciation for our spiritual leaders […]

January 18, 2023

The rest of the story…

Most likely you have heard of the story of the women who touched the hem of the garment or touched the fringe of the robe of Jesus as recorded in Mark 5:25-34 (see the text below). As you come to the end of that section of Scripture notice Jesus said to her ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed […]

December 28, 2022

Worried that you will make a mistake, look bad, or make a fool of yourself?

If you struggle with not moving forward due to the worry of making a mistake, or looking bad, or making a fool of yourself, you likely have a perfectionist personality. I can tell you that even pastors will say a wrong word/name from the pulpit or mix up their words during a prayer time, but if they stopped the ministry because of that it would […]

December 26, 2022

Christmas Day Service

Christmas Day was on Sunday this year – an occurrence that because of Leap Year, won’t happen again until 2033. That means kids will be 11 years older than they are from now, and some won’t still be living at home. Worshipping the Lord on His day this morning was a high privilege. Yes, Christmas morning looked and felt a little different, but we had […]

December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas!

December, it’s the month when the kids begin to discuss what to get Dad for Christmas. Some insist on a shirt; others a pair of socks, and the argument always ends in a tie. #dadJokes