In the hymn “O Thou Fount of Every Blessing” The phrase “Here I Raise my Ebenezer” comes from 1 Samuel 7:12, where the word “Ebenezer” is from Hebrew meaning “stone of help, which was a memorial stone set up to remind the nation of Israel of God’s faithful providence. When we sing that song, we are acknowledging God’s help in our lives. May we praise […]
Remember that when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we see just how much we need Him, and we have less time to see the mistakes of others. Instead we will reach out to people with a helping hand, be in prayer for them, and focus on our own walk with the Lord.
Today, I’m thankful for the many years I got to have with my step-father. He was a great Dad, and he had a wonderful laugh and sense of humor. Bob would have been 66 years old today and taught me the importance of hard work and making time for family. Miss you Dad!
For the Parents and Grandparents who are raising their kids or grandkids, please check out this resource which will help you to have the purity talk with your child called “Passport2Purity” from FamilyLife with Dennis and Barbara Rainey – Keep Praying! One thousand Israeli musicians and singers gathered at the ancient Caesarea Amphitheater and sang ‘Bring Them Home’ as a song of prayer to God to bring home the Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas in Gaza.