April 24, 2020

Federal Regulation D

On Tuesday, March 31 after being frustrated about my bank charging me a fee for having more than 6 online transfers for my savings account I decided to email the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System. I got back an email but kept praying about God to help those of us trying to save money. Well, praise the Lord, today the Fed announced a […]

April 12, 2020

How the Coronavirus Stole Easter

Something cute to brighten your day… (By Kristi Bothur, with a nod to Dr. Seuss) Twas late in ‘19 when the virus beganBringing chaos and fear to people in each land. People were sick, and hospitals full,Doctors overwhelmed, with no one in school. As winter gave way to the promise of spring,The virus raged on, touching peasant and king. People hid in their homes from […]

April 8, 2020

National conference call with President

Just got off a call from the President of the USA, Donald J. Trump, and with 10,000 other faith leaders of America. He wanted to apologize that we are not able to gather on Easter Sunday as we are used to, but stressed we can and should continue to celebrate the hope and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He also said he has enjoyed the live […]

April 7, 2014

My Social Media Friend Policy

I’m taking preventive action as a pastor and so if you are a female, please don’t be offended, but I will not add you as a friend on Facebook (only family, but we can still be friends in real life). #Safeguarding#BeAnExample With what’s going on at CC Fort Lauderdale, I thought it would be best to put some safeguards in place, as even pastors are […]