May 9, 2020

Coronavirus — An Opportunity to Advance the Gospel?

Dear Christian, During a season of quarantines and uncertainty, the coronavirus is providing opportunities for advancing the gospel. Some of the countries most affected by the pandemic so far are also countries where believers face persecution every day. In an Islamic country heavily affected by the coronavirus, Christians are handing out supplies and offering help to those forced to stay in their homes under quarantine. […]

May 6, 2020

Some Thoughts about Civil Disobedience

There is a lot of talk these days about Civil Disobedience and here are some of my thoughts about Civil Disobedience. First, I’m reminded that it was during the reign of Nero that the apostle Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans. While one might expect him to encourage the Christians in Rome to rise up against their oppressive ruler, in chapter 13, we find […]

May 5, 2020

Let every man be Swift to hear, Slow to speak

Dear Christian, “My beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” – James 1:19 The pandemic and quarantine has caused some to use social media to bicker, judge, and rage against one another. Rather than using this opportunity to practice humility and be “slow to speak, slow to become angry”, many have done the opposite—even within the church. […]

April 30, 2020

2 Ways To APPROACH Life

Dear Christian, There are 2 Ways To APPROACH Life: 1. A SHORTAGE mindset: I never have enough & never will. Always lacking, wanting, with a focus on my LIMITED resources. The Result: AN OVERWHELMED LIFE 2. A SURPLUS mindset: God has more than I’ll ever need. God has an abundance, and gives plentiful. The focus is on God’s LIMITLESS resources. The Result: AN OVERFLOWING LIFE […]

April 29, 2020

Worry and Meditating

Dear Christian, If you worry a lot, you’re meditating on the issue instead of what God says. You may not think you’re meditating but meditation is simply to think deeply or carefully about something. Sometimes we are anxious about things we know we should be doing, but we just don’t do them. For example, maybe you know you ought to go to the dentist, but […]

April 27, 2020

Having the Mindset as Christ

Dear Christian, When we grasp how Jesus saved us at such an infinite cost to Himself, how He emptied Himself of His Glory and took on a humble form to rescue us, it creates within us a grateful joy that inwardly moves us to want to outwardly please, know, and resemble Him. Philippians 2:5-8 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as […]

April 25, 2020

Rest in the Lord Jesus today

Dear Christian, Rest in the Lord Jesus today! “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalms 46:10