October 21, 2024

Where do you place your trust?

https://news.gallup.com/poll/651977/americans-trust-media-remains-trend-low.aspx This (article, see the link above) is a stark reminder that our hope cannot be found in human institutions, no matter how noble they may seem. As believers, we know that true trust can only be found in God’s unchanging character and in His enduring Word. As Habakkuk prayed, “O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of […]

October 18, 2024

Fake Accounts

Warning: Impostors may attempt to deceive you through fake accounts, soliciting financial gain or material goods in my name. Let it be known: I will NEVER privately message you for monetary gifts or gift cards or any bank or payment information. If you encounter such scams, block and report them immediately. Let us walk in wisdom, discernment, and integrity, ever mindful of the deceitful tactics […]

October 17, 2024

By Wisdom, a House is Built

Dear brethren, let us not deceive ourselves! The state of our homes, families, and communities is not ultimately determined by external circumstances, but by the wisdom or foolishness that proceeds from our own hearts. “By wisdom, a house is built,” Scripture declares (Proverbs 24:3). But what kind of wisdom are we employing? Is it the wisdom of the world, or the wisdom that comes from […]

October 16, 2024

Parents I Encourage You To Homeschool

Every thriving community is built on the foundation of well-educated, well-rounded individuals. Homeschooling provides families with the opportunity to nurture their children’s unique talents and interests, preparing them to contribute meaningfully to their community. By homeschooling, you’re investing in your child’s future and cultivating a sense of community responsibility. Additionally, homeschooled students often develop strong social skills through extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and community involvement, […]

October 15, 2024

Affliction’s refining fire…

For 8 long weeks, I’ve wrestled with debilitating pain in my right leg and hip, a humbling reminder of frailty. Training for a half-marathon, once a boastful pursuit, now laid aside.MRI results revealed two hip labral tears, a stark testament to the fragility of our bodies. Yet, in this weakness, I find solace:“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” […]

October 13, 2024

Fix your eyes upon the cross

Dear beloved, Do not lose sight of the majesty and glory of Christ in the midst of trials and tribulations. His power is not diminished by your circumstances, but rather, it is in these moments that His strength is perfected in your weakness. Remember, you are not called to self-sufficiency, but to dependence upon the One who is the Bread of Life. Your struggles are […]

October 2, 2024

Politics, Pastors, and the Pursuit of Truth

The word “politics” has become a dirty word today, and it is now a sensitive topic within the church, often carrying a negative connotation. A simple definition is: the science of government (usually in the regulation and government of a nation or state). My goal of this article is to encourage critical thinking, prayerful consideration, and responsible civic engagement, as well in the family and […]