Dear Christian, As you have heard the news that “President Trump, First Lady test positive for COVID-19” here is what the Bible says we should continue to do: I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. […]
Some are saying churches should no longer be tax exempt because they need to pay their fair share. (Usually this is with a picture of a megachurch and a celebrity Pastors mansion) Yet, 85% of churches are small churches under 200 people in America (95% are under 800 people), and 35% are bivocational meaning they work a full time job outside of the church to […]
(My adaptation from A.W. Tozer’s version in “The Price of Neglect” pages 104-105) A commitment to my Lord Jesus: From this day forward I refuse to compete with anyone who is a servant of Yours. They have congregations larger than mine. So be it. I rejoice in their success. They have greater gifts. Very well. For it’s not in their power nor in mine but by Your […]
I just reviewed the latest Executive Orders from Governor Walz on Sept. 11th, 2020. Appears to be some positive Covid-19 news over the last 6 months since the first MN Executive Order. These are the reported numbers so the number of infected and the recovery rate is higher. It says “According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), more than 6.3 […]
Titles are not the issue, careers are not the issue, similar people are not the issue. How we treat one another is the issue. MLK said his dream was “Don’t judge me by the color of my skin but by the content of my character “. Keep loving people, keep praying for people, and keep helping people. Blessings friends!
This is an encouraging message for anyone serving the Lord Jesus in any capacity within their church ministry. Jarrod McCleary served as the 1st Battalion 66th Armor Regiment Chaplain at Fort Carson, Colorado. He joined the military after watching the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil. Coming to see firsthand the brevity of life, he received a strong calling to pastoral ministry from the Lord. […]