May 26, 2021

Reminder from Voice of the Martyrs

From The Voice of the Martyrs – USA: God sends some of His most faithful servants to their deaths, and He has every right to do so. Our merciful and loving Savior is also our sovereign Lord, and He calls us to be His witnesses at any cost. When think about God in relation to myself, it is critically important that I think not only […]

May 25, 2021

Equality vs Equity

Definition of equality: the quality or state of being treated equal (sameness of treatment). This does NOT mean everyone should get the same amount but it does mean that all people should be treated fairly and without prejudice. Definition of equity: justice according to natural law or freedom from bias (proportional fairness). This does NOT mean we all end up at the same place but […]

May 25, 2021

Hold on to Hope, not Despair

Dear Christians, We are a people of hope, not despair. We serve the One who can change hearts and situations. No matter how dark the culture becomes, we are called to stand firm for biblical truth, trusting that the light of the gospel will shine even brighter. Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will […]

March 3, 2021

Relevant Religious Beliefs about Fellowship

Scripture teaches that people are not only biological units, but that we are spiritual beings, and created in the image of God, with dignity and worth to live free, and love one another, worship together, grow families, break bread together, laugh and cry together, embrace one another, and build things together and for each other. Christian meetings include fellowship, which entails togetherness, sharing of goods […]

February 22, 2021

‘Pandemic’ and Freedom

At one time, a pandemic was defined as an infectious disease that resulted in a certain percentage of excess deaths over and above normal annual averages. The definition was changed in connection with H1N1 to remove this threshold. Ten years ago, COVID-19 would not have qualified as a pandemic. In fact, not even close. Having engaged in an immense amount of research, interacting with both […]

February 11, 2021

What about using social media?

Are social media networks the next big mission field or an enormous waste of time? Should a Christian participate in social networking? The answer to these questions should be determined by whether we can honestly ask God to bless and use our actions for His own good purposes. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of […]

February 2, 2021

Is the church responsible to follow-up with visitors and is this Biblical?

First, let’s define the church. It’s not a building it’s a people. We are the temple and building of God as noted in Ephesians 2:19-22 and elsewhere. Therefore, “follow-up” is not a business exercise for people who visit a building. This is the HUGE detriment our 21st century church “model.” We must remember the church in the New Testament, flourished in homes and grew from there. Today, we think the […]