Scripture teaches that people are not only biological units, but that we are spiritual beings, and created in the image of God, with dignity and worth to live free, and love one another, worship together, grow families, break bread together, laugh and cry together, embrace one another, and build things together and for each other. Christian meetings include fellowship, which entails togetherness, sharing of goods […]
At one time, a pandemic was defined as an infectious disease that resulted in a certain percentage of excess deaths over and above normal annual averages. The definition was changed in connection with H1N1 to remove this threshold. Ten years ago, COVID-19 would not have qualified as a pandemic. In fact, not even close. Having engaged in an immense amount of research, interacting with both […]
Are social media networks the next big mission field or an enormous waste of time? Should a Christian participate in social networking? The answer to these questions should be determined by whether we can honestly ask God to bless and use our actions for His own good purposes. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of […]
First, let’s define the church. It’s not a building it’s a people. We are the temple and building of God as noted in Ephesians 2:19-22 and elsewhere. Therefore, “follow-up” is not a business exercise for people who visit a building. This is the HUGE detriment our 21st century church “model.” We must remember the church in the New Testament, flourished in homes and grew from there. Today, we think the […]
Dear Christian, Turn off the news, tv, and media. Don’t listen to the donkeys and the elephants so much that you tune out or get too distracted to hear the voice of the Lamb. God has much to say to us through His Word. And, I pray you’ll read or listen to the Bible today. Let the water of the Word soften your heart with […]
There is always, always a path forward. Even when the sun is not out, when things look bleak, or when the path you know is there is buried deep beneath the snow. There is always a way forward. It may hurt, it may be long, it may be filled with danger and discomfort. But there is a way. And while you’re looking for the way […]
Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose hearts are pure. But as for me, I almost lost my footing. My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone. For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness. They seem to live such painless lives; their bodies are so healthy and strong. They don’t have troubles like other people; they’re […]