October 20, 2022

Good Communication

(a reminder for even me) 1. Is it true? 2. Do I have all the facts? 3. Is it profitable to say? 4. Is this the proper time? 5. Is my attitude right? 6. Are these the best words to use? 7. Have I prayed about this?

September 26, 2022

Creation Conference

Missed the Creation Conference? Watch them online at: https://ccfergusfalls.com/reasons-for-hope-conference/ .

September 19, 2022

Bad news and Good news

Every human being born from a mom and dad who has ever set foot on this planet was sinful, and because of their sin, they were condemned. Galatians 5 shares this message of such sins: sleeping around with women you aren’t married to, wild partying and drunkenness and drug use, jealousy, fits of rage, sowing discord and gossip, and envy, and those who live like […]

July 12, 2022

Are you feeling hurt?

Dear Christian,Those that are prideful will fail to confess their mistakes and instead will take it out on others as the saying goes “hurt people hurt people”. Pray for them, forgive them, and seek peace with God living with a clean conscience. God is the righteous Judge, seeking to save the lost. Wicked people are always hungry for evil; they have no mercy on anyone.Proverbs […]

July 11, 2022

Do you believe the Bible is the literal word of God?

A new report by Gallup found only 20% of Americans believe the Bible is the literal word of God, down from 40% in 1980. Meanwhile, a new record high of 29% say the Bible is just a collection of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by man. It’s the first time on record that significantly more Americans view the Bible as not divinely inspired than […]

July 10, 2022

Claiming without Knowing

I keep hearing about people who say they are Christians that God doesn’t look at “…” as sin. Please read the Bible for yourself & know what God really says about sin & salvation. I would encourage you to read the 16 chapters of the Book of Romans to start. Then get on a read through your Bible in a year plan & follow the […]

June 26, 2022

Roe v. Wade Overturned!

Praise God, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade! Today is the day that those in the pro-life movement have spent many years praying and working toward. Keep praying and pointing people to Jesus, the Author of life and the giver of Life.