Fix your eyes upon the cross
Dear beloved,
Do not lose sight of the majesty and glory of Christ in the midst of trials and tribulations. His power is not diminished by your circumstances, but rather, it is in these moments that His strength is perfected in your weakness.
Remember, you are not called to self-sufficiency, but to dependence upon the One who is the Bread of Life. Your struggles are not obstacles to the Christian life, but instruments in the hand of a sovereign God to refine your faith and purify your heart.
Do not be dismayed by your own failures and shortcomings. The gospel is not a message of self-improvement, but of radical rescue. You are not saved by your own efforts, but by the finished work of Christ.
Fix your eyes upon the cross, dear saint, and find comfort in the unchanging love of God. You are His, purchased by the precious blood of His Son. Press on, dear one, and know that you are not alone in this fight.
In Christ,
Pastor Tim Molter