Prayer Request
From Pastor Tim Molter:

This has been a crazy season for us but through the brokenness our family has experienced we have turned our heart and mind to God for help. We became aware of abuse happening to one of our children from a foster child and have been working with the social workers and law enforcement. Our children are now safe from further trauma, and we place everything in the Lord’s hands as we rest in knowing Jesus walks with us and loves us. For now, we have decided to take a break from doing foster care, as we seek Godly counseling, and we appreciate everyone’s prayers, support, and love for us.
We are asking for your prayers for our family, for our children, and that God will give us wisdom, keep our family safe, and find healing in the Lord. We are thankful for the Lord who is ever with us and loves us. Countless times, when we have needed God most, we run to the name of Jesus and find safety. In times of distress, fear, uncertainty, feeling hopeless, helpless and weak, we have run to that place where we know we will find comfort and safety. We turn to the Lord who can heal and restore, give peace and comfort, and to the only God who gives us hope that endures. We have run to Jesus!
Updated Prayer Request From Anna Molter: