May 25, 2024

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By Tim

The terms “groom” and “bride” have their roots in history and tradition. The word “groom” comes from the Old English word “guma,” which means “man” or “husband.” In the 16th century, the term “groom” specifically referred to a man who was about to be married.

The word “bride” comes from the Old English word “bryd,” which means “woman” or “wife.” In ancient Germanic cultures, the term “bride” was used to describe a woman who was about to be married, and it was often associated with the idea of a woman being “acquired” or “won” by her husband.

On wedding day, the man is called the “groom” because he is the one who is “taking care” of the bride, and the woman is called the “bride” because she is the one being “given away” by her family to her new husband. This language reflects the traditional roles and expectations of men and women in marriage, with the groom being seen as the protector and provider, and the bride being seen as the nurturer and caregiver.


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