April 30, 2020

2 Ways To APPROACH Life

By Tim

Dear Christian,
There are 2 Ways To APPROACH Life:

1. A SHORTAGE mindset: I never have enough & never will. Always lacking, wanting, with a focus on my LIMITED resources. The Result: AN OVERWHELMED LIFE

2. A SURPLUS mindset: God has more than I’ll ever need. God has an abundance, and gives plentiful. The focus is on God’s LIMITLESS resources. The Result: AN OVERFLOWING LIFE

WHAT IS AN OVERFLOWING LIFE? To be filled beyond capacity with an endless supply of God’s goodness and empowerment.

Jesus: “I’ve come that you may have real life, and enjoy it in abundance – to the fullest, until it overflows!” John 10:10

“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” Psalm 23:5

Chose today which mindset you’ll have and I pray you’ll find in Christ the overflowing life. Trust God, He’s in control!

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