April 8, 2020

National conference call with President

By Tim

Just got off a call from the President of the USA, Donald J. Trump, and with 10,000 other faith leaders of America.

He wanted to apologize that we are not able to gather on Easter Sunday as we are used to, but stressed we can and should continue to celebrate the hope and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He also said he has enjoyed the live stream of church services and has been watching each Sunday since the COVID-19 pandemic started. He asked that we would continue to pray for the doctors and nurses working around the clock to help those made sick by this virus. He also said he appreciates our nation of faith and those who inspire, encourage, and give real hope to people.

Then the Vice President, Mike Pence joined the call and said thank you to the communities of faith for making the sacrifice to help slow down the spread of COVID-19 and for coming alongside families in needs, rising up to help the communities, and for praying for our health care workers. With God’s help and courage we will get through this and make a great comeback. Franklin Graham was also thanked for his work with Samaritans Purse to set up a medical center in central NYC and be a lifeline with great care and compassion.

Franklin Graham shared that they have set up two field hospitals, one in Italy and the other in NYC on 98th and 5th Ave. The goal is to give care and love to each patient, pray with them, encourage them, and care for them medically. He was then asked by the President in person to give one of the three closing prayers for the 30-minute call. Franklin prayed a beautiful and powerful prayer in the name of Jesus for our nation, and our world.

Friends, I’m not a political person and only wanted to share this with you so you know how to better pray for our national leaders, medical leaders, and spiritual leaders. Let’s Pray!

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